Sabina Gallier

Sabina's Morning Show

The state of music is always fluctuating. It can be described with a few words and exclamations such as revolutionary, weird, dull, experimental and BAMMMMM.

Here at KSLG we’re ready for all of that, ESPECIALLY THE BAMMMMM.

As we wade through the headlines of tumultuous political times paired with videos of napping cats in kevlar vests (shout out to New Zealand) we here at KSLG aim to curate daily playlists of musical delights to soothe your brainy bits. What I love about working at KSLG is that all the music we continue to add into our system is voted on by KSLGNATION. Yes you help us figure out which indie tunes go in the “Yass” or “Nah” pile.

On Sabina's Morning Show, not only will you get new music but you’ll also be able to check out some back-in-the-day sounds with The Indie Throwback or some noice tracks on a feature called Under The Covers where artists test their talents and see if they can get a handle on songs by the likes of Bowie or The Beatles.

There’s something for everyone on my show and plenty for all of us on this indie music station. Dear world, we’re dancing, laughing and crying right along with you and wherever you may be, we’ll always be bringin’ the noise on KSLG!

Program Director
Music Director

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Favorite Tracks

"Not Your Fault"

AWOLNATION always brings the emotion and passion in their music. Their name has earned the ALL CAPS.

"Four Out Of Five"
Arctic Monkeys

I keep hearing that people are mistaking this for new Bowie...and I'm not upset about it.

"Summer Sun"
Ruen Brothers

Sad boys from Scunthorpe go from playing pubs in a steel town to producing and recording in Rick Rubin's studio. Like their music, sounds like a dream.